Our services
Our services
Engineering Services
Right product selection, proper application and regular technical measurements increases productivity in industrial lubricants. Experienced and expert team of Alesta, with the help of Oest laboratory and technical team, serves your productivity by treating on field to select the right product, proper application and advicing about the process improvement.

We serve training on field or online with the experts from the world.

We serve laboratory analysis with the help of contracted certified laboratories and state of the art OEST Laboratories.    

Alesta Coolant Monitoring System helps you to manage fluid systems properly.

Engineering Services

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Other services

Engineering Services
Engineering Services

Product selection, application and technical services increses the productivity in industrial lubricants.

Analysis Services
Analysis Services

Healty and safety working place, less maintenance stop, generation loss and consumption is important.

Technical Training
Technical Training

Increasing material variety leads to developing lubricants technology.

Coolant Monitoring
Coolant Monitoring

Developing modern production technologies needs more speed, more pressure and high temperatures.